WWW Predictor
Up ALL BC tides

Canadian Government tides

Environment Canada has a page which shows today's tides for various BC coast locations which can be reached here

The Canadian Hydrographic service also has a page which allows you to choose a variety of BC coast locations. This has hourly predictions and allows you to select the dates of interest.

South Vancouver Island Tides, British Columbia

This page is  a "front end" to the excellent WWW Tide/Current Predictor at http://tbone.biol.sc.edu/tide

The page has direct links to a version of the free Xtide program  for UNIX and provides the ability to look up tides for hundreds of locations around the world. For Southern Vancouver Island tides, I have selected out the local sites from their enormous list and provided a form below to select tide and current information for the SVI stations. I have also created the following page which is an Alphabetic list of all BC tide and Current sites

The sites available can be seen on the following map link: svitide1.gif (29026 bytes)

Prediction Options

Select a site
Select a display type
Tabular List (quickest) [see sample]
Text Plot (Plot Type: Horizontal Vertical) [see sample]
Graphic Plot: by pixels  [see sample]
One-Month Calendar (Calendar Type: Text Only Nifty HTML Table)  [see sample]
Select presentation options
Number of lines (for tabular list and vertical text plot)
Length of time to display (for all plots)
Hours between time labels (for graphic plot)
Change text size (only in browsers that support font size changes).
Suppress credits and warnings on top
Bare output (no form) for printing
Use skinnier time labels where possible
Select colors for color graphs
Background: skyblue blue white black
Water: skyblue blue white black
Text: skyblue blue white black yellow red
Check here for a line graph, not color-filled


Page Updated: July 10, 2002 .  © Michael H. Jackson